Thursday, May 27, 2010

The happenstance of this Wild Bill Hickok book

A number of years ago I moved from my birth state of Mass. to Naples, Florida. Upon a visit to my beach town residence of Revere, Mass. I was sitting on the beach sea wall, watching the small waves breaking at the shore line. A man stopped behind me and asked if I were Dan Goldstein. He informed me that we played football with me in high School. He also told me his name, 'Joe' somthing, which I did not recognize nor did I recognize his face.
While speaking with 'Joe' I mentioned that I was writing children stories, which in turn he suggested my meeting a certain very old man and his son Butler. The mans name was James Bernard. It didn't ring a bell of any sort with me. He explained further that James Bernard was the son Of Nathan Bernard, who was the protege of Wild Bill Hickok, back in time. (the 1870's). 'Joe' set up a meet with this old man, James Butlerand his son. This was the happenstance which allowed me to see the old beat up journal written by Nathan Bernard, the journal that Nathan Bernard considered his 'treasure.
Upon moving to Florida all my notes written as they were reading the journal to me, were lost. About eighteen years later the notes were found in a box my daughter had in her attic. These notes written by me turned out to be the happenstance which made this book, Wild Bill Hickok-His last six weeks. possible.

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